Portrait of Tony Hale when he was starring in "Wakey Wakey" at A.C.T. in San Francisco
Portrait of BD Wong when he was starring in Lauren Yee's The Great Leap at A.C.T.
Portrait of Van Jones for Moveon.org
Cirque du Soleil performers at Santana Row in costume, jumping into poses (one on a BMX bicycle)
Poster image for live action Amelie at Berkeley Rep
promotional image for the "Immersive Van Gogh" exhibit in San Francisco
promotional image for "Mechanics of Love" at Crowded Fire Theater
promotional image for Dark Garden, a bespoke corset company: three people wearing Dark Garden designs in a classic speakeasy environment
promotional image for a production of Plan 9 from Outer Space for Impact Theatre
two women modeling yogawear from Imbodhi as they sit intertwined
the cast of the play "Men on Boats" for A.C.T.
promotional image for Christopher Chen's poltical satire "Mutt" at Impact Theatre
promotional image for Christopher Chen's "The Late Wedding" at Crowded Fire Theater
woman in hanging chair with leather purse
intricate blue glass vase
promotional image for "The Great Wave" at Berkeley Rep: four people huddled in a rainstorm getting drenched, lit dramatically

Commercial Photography

Your customers will pay attention.

We are bombarded with marketing every day, so it's no surprise that most of the time we just keep scrolling (or flipping pages, or ignoring stuff in our mailboxes, etc.).

But when you're on the marketing end, you need to get people to stop and pay attention. That's where I come in. I work closely with you to figure out and create images that will stop your customers in their tracks and get them to linger and find out more.

Image descriptions: the photo carousel on this page features a variety of marketing images for different clients, from engaging portraits of celebrities and Cirque du Soleil performers to creative press images for theater to stunning fashion shots and more.

Let’s grab those eyeballs.

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